You Should Have a Birthday Resolution: Here’s Why
“Wrinkles will only go where the smiles have been. “ -Jimmy Buffett
I turn 33 tomorrow. I am happy and sad at the same time. A bittersweet moment I would say. For I shall never be 32 again and I can’t wait to see what 33 brings me. It’s a whirlwind of lessons learned and wisdom to take with me. With that said, I started a birthday resolution and it's been life changing.
Oxford Language defines the term “Resolution” as a firm decision to do or not to do something. Most people are familiar with a New Year’s Resolution, which are goals that are set and hoped to be achieved for the very beginning of every year in January. I don’t know about you, but for me it was hard to stick to a New Year’s Resolution. I would find myself lacking motivation or completely forgetting about my new goals for the new year. So then why should you have a Birthday Resolution?
Birthdays are different. They can be a celebratory experience or a melancholy one. Regardless of the emotion that birthdays invoke, the emotions felt can be useful in helping us complete our goals. No matter your zodiac sign many people will feel a surge of energy around their birthday because the energy in the air or collective energy is that in which you were born in.
You are more likely to feel at home in your birthday month than a random month in the year where we all celebrate a gregorian calendar date of a new year beginning. The new year begins when you decide! In this matter, it really began when you were born and is repeated every year on that day.
So, whether you are a summer baby (like myself) or fall, winter, or spring you are more likely to start and finish your goals on your birthday than other times throughout the year. My birthday has came around again- in fact it is tomorrow! Day 1 of 365 days of saying yes to the things that set my soul ablaze and no to the things I wish to leave behind.
It is a celebration of all of the highs and lows of the past year and what I can adjust for the new year as a new me.
Here’s what to do:
Ten Simple Rules
- Get a journal or a scrapbook (I use a bullet journal) Vision boards are also helpful. I write down all of my goals in my bullet journal and check in with myself daily, weekly, and monthly to keep myself on track. I even have a countdown to my next birthday which helps me stay movitated.
- Brainstorm and write down all of your goals and aspirations (start small and be SMART) <Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-based> Example: I will lose 10 pounds in 3 months by running a mile in the morning before work every day. Side note: Every time you come up with a goal write it down 3x and when you complete a task or goal mark it off.
- Write down your boundaries- how many times you can skip a task or goal (leave a little room for the unexpected) Life happens but don’t let that discourage you. The best way to avoid the unexpected is not to avoid it but rather to plan for it. Example: I may get sick one morning, I may have to arrive to work super early, and have to miss a run. This way you aren’t in emotional turmoil and want to quit because you’ve ran for two weeks and then missed a day.
- Come up with little gifts or birthday presents for yourself throughout the year when you check off one of your goals (whether tickets to a ball game, a new fiction book, or a self-care day) it is solely up to you.
- Meditate and envision yourself achieving your goals and becoming this new you!
- Find your people and pick an accountability partner (my husband and twin sister)
- Set reminders and alarms to do your goal and check-in on your progress (I use my phone alarms and dedicate a day to do this)
- Share and talk about your progress with yourself and others
- Rest when you need to! Add self-care and R&R to your goals- this should be automatically included. We are humans- we need rest too.
- Celebrate your achievements on your birthday! Have a party: invite your friends and accountability partner(s) and Have FUN!
Remember: Time is of the essence and we are not promised tomorrow. I no longer wish to merely exist but to fully live in express myself in doing so.
Well, will you join me…On this new movement of a birthday resolution?